Dr. Suraj Kumar Saggar, Chief of Infectious Disease, talks staying healthy this winter with a well-rounded diet.
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Villa Marie Claire's Medical director, Dr. Charles Vialotti talks about ways to volunteer at hospice.
Photo is courtesy Pexels.com
Included comments from Dr. Vasantha Kondamudi, executive vice president and chief medical officer on Leapfrog grades.
Photo is courtesy Deposit photos
Volunteers assemble meals at food Packathon to help fight hunger in Hait Holy Name’s hospital in Northen Haiti, Hôpital Sacré Coeur.
Photo is courtesy Pexels.com
Dr Tariqshah Syed discusses how blood pressure affects your health.
Photo is courtesy of Getty Images/PIKSEL
Dr Tariqshah Syed discusses taking a non-treadmill nuclear stress test.
Photo is courtesy of Getty Images/mgstudyo
Medical director, Dr. Charles Vialotti is interviewed about Villa Marie Claire services and hospice care.
Photo is courtesy of Julian Leshay Guadalupe/ NorthJersey.com
Maria Orozco, the manager for labor and delivery, discuss procedure for naming a baby.
Photo is courtesy of Canva
Pediatrician, Dr. Janet Lazieh, suggests the best toys these toys help babies learn and develop all while having fun.
Photo is courtesy Pexels.com
Dr. Yadyra Rivera, Program Director, Breast Oncology at Holy Name discusses breast cancer treament innovations