Even before he saw a doctor, Glenn Cariddi knew something was seriously wrong with his right shoulder. Glenn, now 59, had a labral tear years ago that was corrected by surgery, but over time he began to have issues with it again. In the summer of 2023, Glenn noticed that when he moved his shoulder a certain way, it felt frozen or stuck, almost like he’d dislocated it. He couldn’t even reach around to touch his back.
Glenn is an instructor at a school for electrical industry training in New York City and his classes are very hands-on. After a day of demonstrating techniques to students, he would come home and prop his arm up on a pillow to relieve his aching shoulder. He struggled to sleep in his own bed and often slept on the couch. That way, he could tuck his arm and shoulder between the cushions to prevent them from moving in a painful way. Glenn had been in pain for so long that he had almost gotten used to it, but one night in July 2023, the pain was so intense it caused him to faint. He knew then that he needed to see a doctor, and soon.
Glenn made an appointment with Dr. James Mendler, a family friend who specializes in sports medicine at Holy Name. Dr. Mendler ordered an MRI and suggested that Glenn begin physical therapy. But once the MRI results came in Dr. Mendler knew that physical therapy wouldn’t be enough – Glenn needed to see a shoulder specialist. Dr. Mendler called Dr. Daniel Feghhi, an orthopedic surgeon who is part of Pfisterer Orthopaedics, and set up an appointment for Glenn the very next day.
Glenn felt at ease with Dr. Feghhi, who took the time to explain the intricacies of what was happening in Glenn’s shoulder and what was needed to repair the damage. He recalls that Dr. Feghhi drew diagrams for him and did not use complicated medical jargon. “He spoke to me on my level,” Glenn says.
It turned out that Glenn had severe osteoarthritis in his shoulder and needed a total shoulder replacement. There was a serious deformity in his shoulder, so Dr. Feghhi ordered advanced imaging, including an MRI and a CT scan, to map out his unique anatomy. Glenn received custom implants and a surgical plan designed specifically for him.
Glenn’s surgery took place on January 15, 2024, a date he remembers because it’s the same day his parents took him home from Holy Name hospital after his birth. Dr. Feghhi performed an anatomic total shoulder replacement using a stemless implant, a state-of-the-art tool that allows for less bone removal during surgery. As a result, patients experience less postoperative pain.
Dr. Feghhi told Glenn that once he healed from surgery, he would no longer experience the shoulder pain that had become a constant in his life. The doctor was right, and Glenn is amazed that he can carry on with his life without even thinking about his shoulder.
Today, Glenn can teach all day without pain and sleeps comfortably in his bed. Regular physical therapy through HNH Fitness has helped him regain almost full range of motion in his shoulder.
Friends and family who have heard Glenn’s story are impressed, and he’s already referred two people with shoulder issues to Dr. Feghhi. He has nothing but praise for everyone he has met at Holy Name, from the administrators who scheduled his appointments to the physical therapists and aides who supported him during his recovery.
Dr. Feghhi recommends that any person experiencing shoulder problems, no matter how minor, should get checked by a doctor. “Small problems tend to have easy solutions. Don’t let a minor issue turn into something major,” he says.
Learn more about Glenn Cariddi's Orthopedics physician today