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2023 Caring Tree

  201-833-3153    |      foundation@holyname.org

2023 Caring Tree

The Christmas tree in Holy Name Medical Center’s main lobby provides a special way to remember or honor family, friends, coworkers, and caregivers. Our Caring Tree is decorated with white doves, each one adorned with a tag stating the name of the person to be remembered or honored.

A dove can be named for a $25 donation to the Holy Name Auxiliary. Funds raised support the programs and services of the Holy Name health system.

Mail or Email Dove Tribute

To make your dove tribute via mail or email, please click here to download and complete the form. Print and mail to Holy Name Foundation, 718 Teaneck Rd., Teaneck, NJ 07666; or email to foundation@holyname.org.

Online Dove Tribute

To make your dove tribute online, please fill out the online form below.

For questions or technical support, please contact Holy Name Foundation via email at: foundation@holyname.org, phone: 201-833-3187, or fax: 201-833-3708